Join A Committee 

We have established the following committees. Members and Community Organizations that would like to assist us in our goals are welcome to join our member committees. Reach out to the chair via Slack anytime.



Available Committees

Marketing – This committee is responsible for developing VAPA’s marketing messaging and planning, including maintaining our social media presence, coordinating promotions, maintaining our events calendars, disseminating press releases, and seeking new and inspired ways to promote VAPA and our artists.

Chair, Sydney Weaver-Bey


Programming and Operations – This committee works directly with Arthur Rogers (Executive Director) to execute and implement his vision for VAPA, as well as develop outward-facing program development, and monitor and assess existing programs.

Chair, Joanne Rogers 


Curation –This committee is responsible for the placement and hanging of artwork throughout the building. They create the processes for which art is chosen and where it will be placed..

Co – Chairs, Joanne Rogers and Kay Tuttle


Fundraising – This Committee helps design and implement all our fundraising, grant-writing, and sponsorship initiatives. Works directly with the Marketing committee.

Chair, Julio Gonzalez


Ethics & Inclusion – This mission of this committee is to uphold a commitment to VAPA creatives, external stakeholders, and neighbors in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community. We seek to collectively cultivate a diverse atmosphere of equity and inclusion regardless of race, gender, sexuality or/and disability. Responsibilities include providing oversight to ensure we and our affiliate members are operating within this mission with inclusion and a high level of integrity. If there is a complaint about any of our artists, organization, Board Members, or our policies, this Committee will investigate and make necessary recommendations for corrective action, if needed, to the Board of Directors.

Chair, Evan Nogay


Budget & Finance – This committee is responsible for oversight of the VAPA financial resources to ensure that we are earning and raising enough money to cover our costs, to fund our outreach programs and serve our community in alignment with our mission.

Chair, Julio Gonzalez


Social  – This committee is responsible for the internal event planning that aims to bring our tenant artists closer together.

Chair, Nikka Harris